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Homepage consultations for migrants



for migrants


In Przejście Dialogu, information consultations are conducted by the WroMigrant team and Partners.

WroMigrant consultations for migrants and refugees

WroMigrant, the municipal Information Point for migrants and refugees provides information support to people already living in Wroclaw and to those just arriving to our city. During consultations, clients seeking advice might also be referred to other institutions and organisations appropriate to their needs and case.

WroMigrant consultants provide information in four languages: Polish, Ukrainian, English, Belarusian and Russian. All consultations are free of charge.

You can contact us via:




Thematic scope of consultations

WroMigrant consultants provide information primarily on the legalisation of stay and work for foreigners in Poland.

We provide information to residents with migrant or refugee background on exemplary questions:

  • when the stay is considered legal,
  • how to apply for a residence permit, international or temporary protection,
  • what is the difference between a work permit and a Declaration of the intention to entrust work,
  • and who is exempt from such permits.

We also answer your questions such as:

  • where to go in order to register a marriage or birth of a child,
  • how to enroll a child in school and how to help him find himself in the school environment,
  • what to pay attention to when renting an apartment in Wrocław,
  • how to register a car or replace a driving license,
  • what are the deadlines for submitting the fiscal declaration to the tax office,
  • where and how to receive medical help,
  • which institution offers support in a difficult life situation,
  • where to enrol to free Polish language class
  • and many more.

The terms and conditions of WroMigrant infopoint services are described in the document below.

Wromigrant – Workshops and publications

In addition to personal consultations, the WroMigrant team also organises infosessions on legalisation of stay and work, as well as practical workshops on the issues of life in Poland and Wrocław. The current schedule of events can be found in the Calendar. We also publish up-to-date information materials such as: Maps for new residents.

If you have a question or look for specific knowledge about Polish everyday life, do not hesitate contact us – we are open to initiatives and ideas.

Partner consultations

In addition to the daily consultations provided by the WroMigrant team, consultations by partner organizations supporting people with migration experience
are also offered at Passage of Dialogue.

All consultations offered at Passage of Dialogue are free of charge.

Free legal advice – District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wroclaw (Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych we Wrocławiu)

Thursday: 4 pm to 6 pm;
Saturday: 12 pm to 2 pm

During consultations with OIRP specialists, legal support can be obtained in complex situations, including areas such as: court cases; disputes and accusations; emergency situations; crimes and detentions; complex residency issues.

Prior registration is required by phone at +48 538 579 517 or  +48 717 986 499.

Information Point for Migrants – Institute of Migrants’ Rights
Instytut Praw Migrantów)

Mondays: 12 pm to 4 pm

Scope of IPM consultations: temporary and permanent residence permits (including permits on the basis of humanitarian visas); rules for crossing borders and traveling within the Schengen area; employment; medical care; education; social assistance; official matters for foreigners.

Pre-registration is not required to receive counselling at the Institute of Migrants’ Rights.

We will inform you about the dates of further medical consultations. We recommend following us on social media: @przejsciedialogu  @wromigrant

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