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Plakat na wydarzenie - "Let's talk about vol.4" - seria spotkań konwersacyjnych w języku angielskim"


Oct 08 2024


17:30 - 19:00

“Let’s Talk about… vol.4. Topic: Future”

Tomorrow, next day, the following. It hasn’t happened yet, but it will…

During the autumn edition of English Speaking Club – “Let’s Talk About” – we will talk about the future. What will the future of work look like? How will new technologies affect safety in the city? Will we be able to cure diseases that are incurable today? How will we move around the city of the future?

The moderator of the speaking club is Ewa Gruszewska. She left Poland when she was 19 and came back after almost a decade. Studied social sciences in the UK & the Netherlands, is very much into migration of people and meaning we create. Teaches English and Polish as a foreign languages.

By participating in the meetings, you will develop your language skills, learn new vocabulary, meet and talk to people from different backgrounds, of different ages, different views. We talk about important topics, but in a relaxed atmosphere. Communicative knowledge of English is welcome.

Classes delivered as part of the autumn Passage of Dialogue programme – “Autumn with the Passage”.

“Let’s Talk About vol. 4”. Details

Meetings take place every Tuesday at 17:30 (from 8 October 2024) 
Where? Passage of Dialogue, 19 Świdnicka Street, Wrocław

“Let’s Talk About vol. 4”. Registration

Meetings are free, registration is required.

Note! Registration is applicable for the entire series of workshops (Octobe-Desember 2024). If you are unable to attend some of them please let us know by email:

Imię i nazwisko / Full name
Telefon / Phone

Klauzula RODO – ochrona danych osobowych
Standardy Ochrony Małoletnich – WCRS

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