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New season of “Let’s Talk About”! English conversation meetings are back!

grafika-zaproszenie na spotkania klubu konwersacyjnego "Let's talk about"


New places, new flavors, new experiences. Every journey is more than just a change of location – it’s about inspiring encounters and unforgettable stories.

During the spring edition of the English Speaking Club “Let’s Talk About”, we will dive into the world of travel and tourism. What are the must-visit destinations? Is it better to travel solo or in a group? How does tourism impact culture and the environment? Or maybe you dream of a digital nomad lifestyle?

Join us! Improve your language skills, expand your vocabulary, and share your travel experiences. You’ll meet people from different backgrounds and perspectives – all in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

A communicative level of English is welcome.

Meetings take place every Tuesday at 17:30 (from 18 February 2025) 
Where? Passage of Dialogue, 19 Świdnicka Street.
Participation is free, but registration is required via the form below.

Uwaga! Zapisy obowiązują na cały cykl zajęć (Luty-Maj 2024). Jeżeli nie możesz wziąć udziału w niektórych z nich poinformuj nas mailowo:

Note! Registration is applicable for the entire series of workshops (February-May 2025). If you are unable to attend some of them please let us know by email:

Rejestracja zakończona / Registration completed

Klauzula RODO – ochrona danych osobowych
Standardy Ochrony Małoletnich – WCRS