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25.01 | Workshop on theatrical improvisation from the ‘Playback-laboratory’

Grafika promująca zajęcia z improwizacji teatralnej, po prawej stronie plakatu, znajdują się zdjęcia grup uczestników zajęć.


We invite you to a unique workshop organized by Playback Laboratory in collaboration with the Wrocław Centre for Social Development. Playback theatre workshops offer a space to explore new ways of communication, express emotions, and work with your creativity.

What is Playback Theatre?
It’s a form of theatre where everyday experiences of participants inspire improvised performances. No script, no prior preparations – your openness and readiness to act are all that matter.

Event details

January 25th (Saturday), 10 am – 1 pm, Passage of Dialogue (Świdnicka 19)
Event languages: Polish, Ukrainian, English
Registration is required via the application form. Click to register.

Why should you join?

The workshop is a great opportunity to:
Learn new ways of communication and teamwork.
Develop self-presentation skills.
Build confidence in handling new and unexpected situations.
Experience what it’s like to be an actor on stage, fully improvising.

No theatrical experience is needed – all you need is the willingness to participate and openness to new experiences.