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25.07 | Certificate in Polish language

If you are planning to apply for a long-term EU resident permit or for recognition of Polish citizenship, you surely know that you must confirm your knowledge of the Polish language.

WroMigrant will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you:

– about different types of language certificates and how they can be useful to you,

– about the different levels of Polish as a foreign language (JPJO),

– about the exam formalities: when and where the exams are held, how much they cost, how to register,

– about the exam process,

– how to understand if you can pass,

– where to find practice materials,

– whether it is possible to get language proficiency confirmation without an exam, etc.

We warmly invite you to register for our informational meeting!

When: July 25 (Thursday) from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Where: Passage of Dialogue (underground passage at 19 Świdnicka Street)

Language of the meeting: Polish

Sign up:

Klauzula RODO – ochrona danych osobowych