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Closed due to technical issues [update]

Przejście Dialogu jest nieczynne do odwołania

Dear friends,

Przejście Dialogu will remain closed until further notice.

Unfortunately, the works will last longer than initially predicted. With the whole team we are doing their best to open and welcome you as soon as possible.


Remember, that we stay available in any case regarding the Przejście Dialogu and event organisation, reach us by e-mail:


Consultations WroMigrant take place by e-mail or telephone.

Mon- Fri 9:00-17:00

Sat 12:00-16:00


tel.: +48 71 77 24 950

kom.: +48 735 969 992

kom.: +48 538 579 521

kom.: +48 538 579 555



We are sorry for any inconvenience. Follow us on social media to get the updates and important information.


