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07.06 Legalisation of stay and work in Poland

One of WroMigrant most popular workshops is coming soon!  On June 7th  we’ll talk about the legalization of stay and work in Poland. If you are a person from abroad, who speaks English and wants to find a job in Wrocław, this is a must-visit event for you. We’ll discuss, among other things: How to legalize your stay in Poland, if the purpose of stay is work. Types of visas… Read More »07.06 Legalisation of stay and work in Poland

Przejście Dialogu jest nieczynne do odwołania

Closed due to technical issues [update]

Dear friends, Przejście Dialogu will remain closed until further notice. Unfortunately, the works will last longer than initially predicted. With the whole team we are doing their best to open and welcome you as soon as possible.   Remember, that we stay available in any case regarding the Przejście Dialogu and event organisation, reach us by e-mail:   Consultations WroMigrant take place by e-mail or telephone. Mon- Fri 9:00-17:00… Read More »Closed due to technical issues [update]

Legalization of stay and work in Poland

One of our most popular workshops is coming soon!  On December 13 we’ll talk about the legalization of stay and work in Poland. If you are a student from abroad, you speak English and want to find a job in Wrocław, this is a must-visit event for you💡 We’ll discuss, among other things: 👉 how to legalize your stay in Poland, if the purpose of stay is work  👉 types… Read More »Legalization of stay and work in Poland

Taxes in Poland

T-t-t-t-taxes?! Don’t shiver, don’t worry, just come by – and learn from the specialists. In collaboration with the Chamber of Tax Administration, we’ve prepared a workshop for foreigners (especially for those from Ukraine), who are living in Wroclaw for more than 183 days, called “Taxes in Poland”. Among other things, we’ll talk about how tax payment looks for people continuing to work remotely in their countries of origin or carrying… Read More »Taxes in Poland

Workshop “Legalization of stay and work in Poland

Speak English? Want to find a job in Wrocław?💡 In this case, we invite you to participate in another WroMigrant workshop: and this time we’ll talk about legalization of stay and work in Poland! 👉 how to legalize your stay in Poland, when the purpose of stay is work  👉 types of visas and residence permits  👉 how to submit an application for a temporary residence and work permit in… Read More »Workshop “Legalization of stay and work in Poland