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29.05 | Labour law

Work is one of the most frequently discussed topics in consultations with WroMigrant. We decided to pay a little more...

On November 1, 2, and 11 Passage of Dialogue will be closed

  How is the Passage of Dialogue working on November? This month, Passage of Dialogue will be closed on November...

Microgrants | Individual consultations 24.04 and 8.05

The second сall is launched for the Microgrants programme! Between May 1 and May 15 submit your idea for integration...

24.04 | Legalisation of stay in Poland due to studies

Hey there, students! Feeling overwhelmed by the topic of legalisation? Join us for an informational meeting and master the ABCs...
Plakat wydarzenia Wiosenne porządki w Przejście Dialogu

“Spring Cleanup” with the Od Podszewki. Clothing Swap And Workshop on Conscious Consumption at Passage of Dialogue

  With the start of April, we would like to invite you all, April 4-6, to a ‘spring cleanup’ of...
Grafika do spotkania informacyjnego "Pobyt stały w Polsce", wersja EN

20.02 | Getting a permanent residence permit in Poland

Do you have Polish roots or a Pole’s Card? Are you married to a Polish citizen? Or perhaps, are you...