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20.02 | Getting a permanent residence permit in Poland

Grafika do spotkania informacyjnego "Pobyt stały w Polsce", wersja EN

Do you have Polish roots or a Pole’s Card? Are you married to a Polish citizen? Or perhaps, are you considering the possibility of obtaining permanent residence for your child?

Join us at the free WroMigrant informational meeting on “Getting a permanent residence permit in Poland” and gain comprehensive information on this topic!

During the meeting, we will discuss, among other things, the following topics: 

who can apply for permanent residence,

what is the process of applying for permanent residence like, 

how to prove Polish origin, 

what benefits come with having permanent residence?

WHEN: February 20, 17:00 – 18:30 

WHERE: Przejście Dialogu, Świdnicka street 19


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Klauzula RODO – ochrona danych osobowych