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grafika-zaproszenie na spotkania klubu konwersacyjnego "Let's talk about"

New season of “Let’s Talk About”! English conversation meetings are back!

  New places, new flavors, new experiences. Every journey is more than just a change of location – it’s about inspiring encounters and unforgettable stories. During the spring edition of the English Speaking Club “Let’s Talk About”, we will dive into the world of travel and tourism. What are the must-visit destinations? Is it better to travel solo or in a group? How does tourism impact culture and the environment?… Read More »New season of “Let’s Talk About”! English conversation meetings are back!

Plakat przedstawia 3 zdjęcia: na pierwszym - uśmiechnięta kobieta, na drugim - duża grupa ludzi na ulice robiąca wspólne zdjęcie, na trzecim - 6 osób grających w spektaklu.

Step on stage without a script! Join the theatrical improvisation workshop series by “Playback Laboratory”

  Do you want to learn how to act in unpredictable situations and meet inspiring people? Join the theatrical improvisation workshops “Playback Laboratory”! Theatrical improvisation – playback theatre is a unique experience where participants’ stories come to life on stage! There are no pre-written dialogues here—only real emotions, authentic stories, and a special atmosphere of trust. No prior experience is needed—just an open mind and a willingness to try something… Read More »Step on stage without a script! Join the theatrical improvisation workshop series by “Playback Laboratory”

Grafika promująca zajęcia z improwizacji teatralnej, po prawej stronie plakatu, znajdują się zdjęcia grup uczestników zajęć.

25.01 | Workshop on theatrical improvisation from the ‘Playback-laboratory’

  We invite you to a unique workshop organized by Playback Laboratory in collaboration with the Wrocław Centre for Social Development. Playback theatre workshops offer a space to explore new ways of communication, express emotions, and work with your creativity. What is Playback Theatre? It’s a form of theatre where everyday experiences of participants inspire improvised performances. No script, no prior preparations – your openness and readiness to act are… Read More »25.01 | Workshop on theatrical improvisation from the ‘Playback-laboratory’

16, 17.12 | Workshop “Pavuk”

Let’s spread some Christmas cheer together! Join us for a free “Pavuk” workshop. Straw spiders are a beloved tradition among many Slavic, Baltic, and Scandinavian cultures. Both in ancient times and today, they are seen as protective amulets, guarding the home and family from both visible and invisible harm. In Belarus, families would hang a straw spider from their ceiling, where it would spin with every breeze, seemingly alive. On… Read More »16, 17.12 | Workshop “Pavuk”

27.11 | Temporary residence permit for students

Hey there, students! Feeling overwhelmed by the topic of legalisation? Join us for an informational meeting and master the ABCs of legalisation procedures in Poland!  We’ll cover: How to legalise your stay in Poland if you’re here for educational purposes,  Types of visas and residence permits,   How to apply for a temporary residence permit for students at the Voivodeship Office,   Key details to keep in mind during the process. When: November… Read More »27.11 | Temporary residence permit for students

20.11 | Pole’s Card

Do you have Polish roots?* Did you want to apply for a Polish Card in your home country but didn’t manage to do so before leaving? *This means that one of your parents or grandparents, or two of your great-grandparents, were or are Polish by nationality. We invite you to an informational meeting where we’ll walk you through the procedure for obtaining a Polish Card in Lower Silesia. We will… Read More »20.11 | Pole’s Card

12.11 | Permanent residency in Poland

Do you have Polish roots or a Pole’s Card? Or are you married to a Polish citizen? Or are you wondering how your child might obtain permanent residency in Poland?  Join our free WroMigrant informational meeting, “Permanent residency in Poland” to get all the essential information on how to begin the process of obtaining permanent residency. In this meeting, we will cover: – who is eligible for permanent residency, –… Read More »12.11 | Permanent residency in Poland

Plakat na wydarzenie - "Let's talk about vol.4" - seria spotkań konwersacyjnych w języku angielskim"

The autumn edition of “Let’s Talk About… vol.4” will start on October!

Tomorrow, next day, the following. It hasn’t happened yet, but it will… During the autumn edition of English Speaking Club – “Let’s Talk About” – we will talk about the future. What will the future of work look like? How will new technologies affect safety in the city? Will we be able to cure diseases that are incurable today? How will we move around the city of the future? By… Read More »The autumn edition of “Let’s Talk About… vol.4” will start on October!

25.07 | Certificate in Polish language

If you are planning to apply for a long-term EU resident permit or for recognition of Polish citizenship, you surely know that you must confirm your knowledge of the Polish language. WroMigrant will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you: – about different types of language certificates and how they can be useful to you, – about the different levels of Polish as a foreign language (JPJO), – about… Read More »25.07 | Certificate in Polish language

Bezpłatne wydarzenia dla dzieci i młodzieży w wakacje w Przejściu Dialogu!

“Summer with Passage of Dialogue”. Multicultural holiday activities for children and youth

  Join our intercultural team and spend the #SummerWithPassage! “#SummerWithPassage”. What are we planning? Holidays are a time for trips and excursions, but we know that summer in the city can also be exciting and full of adventures. That’s why this summer season we want to invite you to explore Wrocław together and understand its mechanisms through a series of family walks – “Wrocław from the beginning”. How does the… Read More »“Summer with Passage of Dialogue”. Multicultural holiday activities for children and youth