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Change of working hours by Jan 7 2023

We would like to inform you that on: Dec 31 and Jan 6 and 7, the Passage of Dialogue will...

Legalization of stay and work in Poland

One of our most popular workshops is coming soon!  On December 13 we’ll talk about the legalization of stay and...

Taxes in Poland

T-t-t-t-taxes?! Don’t shiver, don’t worry, just come by – and learn from the specialists. In collaboration with the Chamber of...
Zdjęcie przedstawia wejście do Przejścia Dialogu

November 11-12 – Przejście Dialogu will be closed.

Next Friday and Saturday Przejście Dialogu will be closed. On November 11, Poles celebrate the Independence Day – it is...

Workshop “Legalization of stay and work in Poland

Speak English? Want to find a job in Wrocław?💡 In this case, we invite you to participate in another WroMigrant...